Joe Zahm Announces
Strength to Love Fundraising Campaign
for United Way, Turks & Caicos

Joe Zahm, President of Turks & Caicos Sotheby’s International Realty, in conjunction with United Way Turks & Caicos is pleased to launch the Strength to Love United Way Fundraiser to assist those hardest hit by COVID 19 in the TCI Community. The 60 second Public Service Announcement (link) is backed by Joe’s inspirational song Strength to Love, which is inspired by the book of the same name by Martin Luther King.

We will overcome – together!

States Zahm:  “I basically curated much of the song from the amazing MLK book of his best sermons. It seems more timely than ever and is incredibly powerful and inspiring. We are so happy to be working with Executive Director Claudine Ewing, Chairman Mark Fulford and their team at United Way TCI to do our part to help those in need in the community until we get back to business in TCI. As an opening gesture, we are donating $5,000 and look forwarding to working closely with our community members to do what we can to assist those in need”. Executive Director Claudine Ewing adds: “We are pleased to be partnering with Joe, United Way board member Nina Siegenthaler and their team on this important and inspiring project. Every donation helps to feed someone in need, and we encourage our community to give generously.”